Creating Company Culture And Thriving Employees, Jacob Morgan, TBJApodcast 391
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  • TBJA 391 Creating Company Culture And Thriving Employees, Jacob Morgan
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

The key to a great company culture is not to do for but to do with your employees. Learn how to keep great talent and help your employees thrive in your company. Jacob Morgan shares his top tips.

Jacob Morgan is one of the world’s leading authorities on the future of work, employee experience, and how the workplace is changing. He is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and futurist who advises business leaders and organizations around the world. His latest book, The Employee Experience Advantage: How to Win the War for Talent by Giving Employees the Workspaces they Want, the Tools they Need, and a Culture They Can Celebrate” (Wiley, March 2017).  Jason’s book analyzes over 250 global organizations to determine how to create an organization where people genuinely want, not need to show up to work. Jacob is also the co-founder of The Future of Work Community, a global innovation council of the world’s most forward-thinking organizations exploring the new world of work.

He has a new book for Wiley coming out in 2017 and his previous best-selling books were The Future of Work and The Collaborative Organization. Jacob’s work has been endorsed and supported all over the world by leaders such as the CEO of SAP, President of Turner International, CEO of Schneider Electric, CEO of Whirlpool, Owner of the Golden State Warriors, Global Chairman of KPMG, CIO of the United States of America, and dozens of others.


I’m a HUGE fan of chess and racquetball!

Think Like A Journalist Quote   ….check pronunciation of Sinek

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” –Simon Sinek, author, Start with Why

Success Quote or Tip

‘Be a leader. Don’t be a follower.” –Jacob’s Dad

Career Highlight

Jacob interviewed for a company where he thought he was going to be doing a different job. He realized this job was not for him. He started working for another company and he wanted to attend the Web 2.0 conference. His company wouldn’t let him go. So Jacob quit and started working on projects on his own doing online marketing and search engine optimization. He saved up $16,000 to cover his rent in the bay area and launched his own brand.

When It Didn’t Work

Jacob found that his income wasn’t escalating. He wasn’t getting more clients. He had to “balance the highs with balancing the lows”. He started focusing on building a personal brand.   Jacob had no network, few friends in the industry, and no major brand that he was coming out of. Find out what he did and how he evolved in his career to build his success. Here’s how Jacob created more business for himself:

  1. Created a ton of content and posted it all the time.
  2. Wrote for Forbes, Inc, and blog articles for anybody.
  3. Was consistent as possible.
  4. Created his own visibility.
  5. Remained constant.

Top Tips Creating Company Culture And Thriving Employees

  1. Don’t just focus on culture. Focus on culture, technology, and physical work space.
  2. Don’t do for your employees; do with your employees. Ask your employees and then build/create what they’re looking for.
  3. Think of organizations as laboratories and less like factories. ??? [23:22]
  4. The one thing that organizations are doing wrong: they’re doing nothing.
  5. Experiential: 6% / 15 companies.

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Mentioned In This Episode

TBJA 313 Frantrapreneur vs Entrepreneur: How To Be Successful In The Franchise Industry, Melissa Woods

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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