Compassionate Capitalism: A Journey To The Soul Of Business, Blaine Bartlett, TBJApodcast 368
Listen to the Episode Below (00:31:14)
  • TBJA 368 Compassionate Capitalism: A Journey To The Soul Of Business, Blaine Bartlett
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Business has the power to change reality on this planet. Blaine Bartlett shares how compassionate capitalism is the only way to truly profit in business. Listen to this episode for a journey to the soul of business.

Blaine Bartlett is CEO and President of Avatar Resources, a global consulting firm he founded in 1987. He has coached and consulted worldwide with executives, companies, and governments and has personally delivered training programs to more than a quarter of a million individuals and has directly impacted more than one million people.

Blaine is an Adjunct Professor at Beijing University, the Founder of the Institute for Compassionate Capitalism and a member of the Transformational Leadership Council since 2008. He sits on the Board of Directors of the Unstoppable Foundation and the World Business Academy and is a member of the Advisory Boards of the All Japan Management Coaching Association and the Asia Coaching and Mentoring Association. In 2012, Blaine was formally invested as a Knight of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta, the world’s oldest humanitarian organization.

Blaine is the author of the #1 international best-seller Compassionate Capitalism: A Journey to the Soul of Business, co-author of Discover Your Inner Strength written in collaboration with Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard and Brian Tracy, and is the author of Three Dimensional Coaching which was published in 2013 and translated into Chinese and Japanese in 2015.

You can find more about Blaine at his company website, his personal website, or by reading his blog at

Business has the power to change reality on this planet.

Businesses must approach activity impact not just profit.
Being human is about experiencing life.
We connect through our vulnerabilities. We disconnect through our certainties.
Is it more important to be right or to have what I want?
I am a knight. I’m a bit of an adventurer…I’ve run dogsleds above the Arctic Circle, am an aerobatic and glider pilot, have a bareboat skippers certificate, taught scuba, am certified in underwater search and rescue, canoed a jungle river in Centra America, camped among lions in Africa, and have flown with a jet pack.

Think Like A Journalist Quote
“If your conduct is determined solely by considerations of profit you will arouse great resentment.” ―Confucius

Success Quote 

”We connect through our vulnerabilities.” It’s all about connection…all any business is, is a collection of people that are in relationship. If the relationships are working well the business is going to be successful

Career Highlight

When It Didn’t Work
Two stories. Blaine was helping a Japanese client’s client to do a workshop in Japan. His longtime client became upset. It turned into a huge theatrical mess. You have to listen to believe this one!
Is it more important to be right or to have what I want?

Top Tips Compassionate Capitalism: A Journey To The Soul Of Business

  1. Businesses must seek more than a profit.
  2. Businesses must be connected to a cause.

One book, documentary, blog, podcast, or Internet Channel to watch?
The Sacred Universe,

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Twitter @BlaineBartlett

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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