How To Be A Momtrepreneur, Flora Pringle, TBJApodcast 355
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  • TBJA 355 How To Be A Momtrepreneur, Flora Pringle
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Momtrepreneur, Flora Pringle, saw the need for a healthy candy. Despite the challenges of raising young children, she took on the task and created Cracked Candy and successful business that can be run from anywhere in the world was born.

Flora Pringle is a marketer, scientist, wife, mother and passionate guilt-free candy maker. She founded Cracked Candy in Brooklyn, New York 3 years ago after moving from England where she had been teaching science.

The mission of Cracked Candy is to provide a healthy, great tasting, natural candy that gives you all the taste and indulgence you want in a sweet treat without the harmful effects of sugar.

We love candy, it makes us happy. The average American consumes around 160 lbs of refined sugar every year. But sugar related illnesses including obesity, diabetes, digestive disorders and tooth decay are sweeping the nation. As a mother Flora wanted to find ways to treat her family without compromising on health. So she took on the challenge of creating a truly delicious, yet totally guilt free candy that tastes great and is good for you, that does not promote tooth decay and is made from natural ingredients

Using her scientific background, love of cooking and eye for design, Flora experimented in her kitchen and finally cracked the perfect recipe. The candy is made in sheets and hammered into hundreds of little pieces. Around 60 perfectly unique pieces are in each collectable tin. So it seemed more than fitting to call Flora’s discovery Cracked Candy.

Flora wanted to create a brand that is good in every sense, so Cracked Candy provides work for people with disabilities in her local Brooklyn community.

Flora has pioneered a whole new kind of candy that makes it healthy to eat without losing the fun and the taste – which is what makes candy such a fun part of our lives.

Available in premium grocery stores including Mrs Greens, West Elm Market, New York Whole Foods stores, Eataly and

I had the idea for Cracked Candy 3 years ago when I moved to New York from England. I had been teaching science and my first son was 6 month at the time. I quickly discovered that part-time teaching in New York does not exist and childcare is very expensive. I felt lonely and desperate to be honest. Then I found out about a natural sweetener called Xylitol that is safe for teeth and diabetics. I had an epiphany – the world needs a healthy candy! 

Six months later Cracked Candy was born and on the shelves of my local stores. It is a truly innovative candy not just because it is smashed into shards (hence the name) and comes in collectable tins. It is also non-GMO, safe for diabetics, certified vegan and can help fight tooth decay.

Making a product that is good for consumers and has a positive impact on the community are fundamental anchors of the business and what keeps me going when hurdles present themselves. I provide work for people with disabilities in my local Brooklyn community through a brilliant organization called Brooklyn Community Services.

Making that initial leap was scary at first and having my second child with no maternity cover was hard. But running my own business gives me flexibility and there is nothing like trying to balance a family and work to make you super efficient with every minute you have!).

I love that the city I felt so lost in at first has enabled me to do something to benefit others and my family in a way that I would have never considered back in the UK. Cracked Candy is stocked nationwide in stores such as Wegmans, Eataly, West Elm. Stein Mart, Amazon.


I’m English and used to be a science teacher!

Think Like A Journalist Quote

You have to make family a part of your business. –Lauren Thom founded New Orleans-brand Fleurty Girl using $2,000 from her 2009 tax return. She now owns 5 locations and manages 30 employees. See more here.

Success Quote or Tip

It’s better to regret something you’ve done than something you haven’t done.

Encourages risk taking / stepping out of comfort zone

Career Highlight

Flora moved to NY to follow her husband’s work. She had a part-time job in teaching and couldn’t make sense of working part-time in NY. She wanted to become her own boss and wanted to work.

Three years ago moved to NYC following husband’s work. Left a great part time teaching job. Had six-month-old baby. Hated it, felt isolated and part time doesn’t exist in this city!

Discovered xylitol: natural sweetener that’s good for teeth and safe for diabetics. Found in gum & toothpaste. Had an epiphany–why are there no delicious candies made with this stuff??

Got to work during nap times, experimented and cracked the formula for candy without the compromise. Six months later stocked in Brooklyn stores.

Stepped up with Brooklyn Community Services who provide work for people with disabilities so I could increase production and get out of the kitchen.

Now I see it all over NY and people tell me they see it in airports, Cracked Candy is stocked in over 200 stores.

I can’t believe I did that on my own with no debts, loans, or investors.

When It Didn’t Work

When Flora’s second son was born she had an issue with her shipping agent. A package for her business got stuck in Customs. Her husband had Lyme’s Disease. Flora was caring for her second new born son and she was struggling to figure out how to deal with her business. Find out what she did.

15 months ago I was in hospital having given birth to my second child. Container load of packaging got stuck in customs and my shipping agent disappeared with my money. My husband had Lymes disease so couldn’t help.

No choice but to continue and multitask!

Eyes on the goal–to keep the business growing I need these tins.

Top Tips  How To Be A Momtrepreneur

  1. Drive innovation by being more observant – notice what we take for granted so you can spot openings.
  2. Create products based on need not greed.
  3. Engage the handicapped/veterans to super charge your company’s social responsibility. 
  4. Don’t do it alone. You need support.
  5. Remember to look up: work life balance while juggling marriage, motherhood and moneymaking (and stay sane).

What is one piece of technology, video or multimedia equipment, or app that you just can’t live without?


App: Ted talks – I listen to them while I’m doing tasks that don’t involve my brain, I love to learn and use every second of the day to make me as efficient as possible.

One book, documentary, blog, podcast, or Internet Channel to watch?

Documentary: Planet Earth II from the BBC


Cracked Candy website

Twitter: @Cracked_Candy

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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