How To Get A Better Response Rate From Your Pitches, Blair Nicole, TBJApodcast 349
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  • TBJA 349 Stop Sending Terrible Pitches: How To Get A Better Response Rate From Your Pitches, Blair Nicole
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Whatever you do, stop sending terrible pitches! Find out how to get a better response rate from your pitches. The step-by-step formula from PR specialist, Blair Nicole.

Blair Nicole is the CEO & Founder of Media Moguls PR, host of the #KickassPR podcast, and Columnist at several well-known business outlets. Marketing and traveling are her passions, and she travels around the world full time with her 4 year old son, working remotely, and speaking to business audiences of all shapes and sizes.

Blair’s motto is “Kick ass, don’t kiss it!”


Last year I sold everything I owned to become a digital nomad. I traveled the US and Mexico with my 4 year old son, working remotely for my clients.

Nothing was tying her down. So she sold everything and traveled with her 4-year-old son.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

PR is a mix of journalism, psychology, and lawyering–it’s an ever-changing and always interesting landscape.  –Ronn Torossian, PR executive

Success Quote or Tip

A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad. –Richard Branson

Career Highlight

Blair was a stock broker but hated it. She quit and became a partner in an SEO company. She later started working in PR in a rather unconventional way. Hear how she is doubling her business and broken into journalism and reporting. Her career highlight was when she had a Huffington Post article done on her: How To Find Your Calling (From 5 People Who Found Theirs)

When It Didn’t Work

There is no shortcut. Stay on top of your game. Hear Blair’s when it didn’t work moment and how she learned to pitch differently.

Top Tips  Stop Sending Terrible Pitches: How To Get A Better Response Rate From Your Pitches

  1. Stop insisting on features.
  2. Stop pitching your products or services. You should be pitching things related to a current topic/event or trend.
  3. Focus on thought leadership.
  4. Quit with press releases and mass pitching.
  5. Build a smaller media list, do your research, create a Top 25 media list.
  6. Use connections to meet them or follow them and then comment on their work to introduce yourself.

What is one piece of technology, video or multimedia equipment, or app that you just can’t live without?

Help A Reporter Out

One book, documentary, blog, podcast, or Internet Channel to watch?

Tribes, Seth Godin

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Mentioned In This Episode

TBJA 343 How To Pitch Your business To The Media: A Magazine Editor Tells All, Jason Feifer

TBJA 129 Peter Shankman On Customer Service: Making Your Brand Better Than The Rest

“Dear PR Pros, Stop Sending Terrible Pitches”

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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