Marijuana has become legal in more states and that’s big business for one brand marketer and Un-Stoner. Krista Whitley shares how she carved out a niche market by helping brands that sell medicinal weed.
An award-winning entrepreneur, Krista Whitley, created Canada’s 9th fastest growing company as her first venture. Krista has experience on both sides of the camera: watched on reality television with Animal Planet’s “Groomer Has It Season 2” , CBC’s “Dragons Den” , and as executive producer of her own Rosie award nominated reality television show “The Fabulous Furballs” on Canada’s Slice network; and winning two American Advertising Federation Addy awards for her video production work.
Today she works exclusively with cannabis brands to create social experiences that add credibility and legitimacy to America’s fastest growing industry. As the co-founder of topical brand Good, Krista is an enthusiastic advocate of cannabis. Also a restaurant and luxury social media expert, her first book “Restaurant Social Media Unicorn: Be Known & Make Money” was released to rave reviews in fall 2015. A hands on mother to two young girls, her Keepin’ Up With Krista blog was created to give women a voice and she is an in demand public speaker, sharing her candid stories of entrepreneurism, motherhood, healthy living, and how one fast growth business leader mastered the art of failure to inspire women everywhere to live their best lives.
Icebreaker: A Quick Fact About You! Something interesting we can talk about at the start of the show.
I met my husband on My Space back in 2006 and left Las Vegas to marry him, relocating to freezing cold Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at the end of December 2006. Social media has clearly always played a major role in my life
Think Like A Journalist Quote
Increasingly, the mass marketing is turning into a mass of niches. –Chris Anderson, author The Long Tail
Success Quote
Become a social company. Make it part of your culture.
Career Highlight
Krista’s proudest moment happened about six years ago when her brand was named the 9th fastest growing company (pet boutiques) in Canada.
When It Didn’t Work!
Krista had an idealistic view of success. She had so much success that she thought it would be easy to do in her very small hometown. So she opened a social media company that didn’t work and failed within several months.
You have to have the climate that’s ready for your product.
Fail forward.
What does Kindergarten have to do with your business today?
Be A Unicorn: How Weed Helped This Un-Stoner Standout
- How to tell your own story.
- Find your why: Helping people do what they do best.
- Be very clear on what you do best.
- Your brand should attract like-minded people.
- Find your strategic part
- Create brand ambassadors
- What did I do that made me standout back in Kindergarten?
- Provide value before you ask for it.
What is one piece of technology, video or multimedia equipment, or app that you just can’t live without?
One book, documentary, or Internet Channel to watch?
Jay Abraham, Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got
Resource Links and Contact Information: where can we find you?
TBJA 178 Every Company Can Be A Media Company, How To BE The Media, Melanie Deziel
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