How Writing Without Bullshit Can Boost Your Career, Josh Bernoff, TBJApodcast 321
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  • TBJA 321 How Writing Without Bullshit Can Boost Your Career, Josh Bernoff
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

How writing without bullshit can boost your career. You can literally write your way to the top if you cut the BS and deliver a clear, compelling, and concise message. Learn how to do it from author, Josh Bernoff.

Josh Bernoff has been a professional writer since 1982. He has coauthored three books on business strategy, including the bestseller Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies (Harvard Business Press, 2008). HarperBusiness published his newest book, Writing Without Bullshit, in September of 2016.

Josh blogs every weekday about writing, communication, and bullshit. His blog generated over 1 million views in its first year.

For 20 years at Forrester Research, Josh wrote and edited reports on the future of technology. As Senior Vice President, Idea Development, he identified, developed, and promoted Forrester’s most powerful and influential ideas. He gave hundreds of speeches around the world, got quoted in every news source you can name, and gave strategy advice to clients from the world’s largest companies and tech vendors.

Josh is also the CEO of, a non-profit organization dedicated to the pursuit of wellness through changing habits.


I homeschooled my children. Both now in college.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“Keep a small can of WD-40 on your desk—away from any open flames—to remind yourself that if you don’t write daily, you will get rusty.” —George Singleton

Success Quote or Tip

Get to the point quickly.

Create a writing habit or you’ll get rusty.

People read and write 45 hours a week.

Career Highlight

Josh always wanted to write a book but he hadn’t done it and he was approaching 50. So, he was going to quit his corporate job. Find out what happened instead.

When It Didn’t Work

Josh started to work on a project with a company when the project got shutdown and he was laid off. He was having health problems and was trying to start his own company but it never succeeded. Find out what happened and how he turned his career around.

Top Tips  Write Your Way To The Top: How Writing Without Bullshit Can Boost Your Career

  1. Communicate clearly. Edit your copy.
  2. Don’t bury the lead.
  3. Use graphics.
  4. Brands should have a point of view. Their writing can be persuasive. @JBernoff
  5. Don’t use paragraphs for online writing.
  6. Long writing projects:  Create a discipline to get it done. Use a “Fat” outline. Don’t start until you have everything you need.
  7. Eliminate toxic pros and jargon.

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Everybody Writes, Ann Handley

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Twitter @JBernoff

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Facebook brand page 

Mentioned In This Episode

What Business Writers Can Learn From Journalists – And What They Can’t

Top 10 Writing Tips And The Psychology Behind Them

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I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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