Does Your Website Communicate Your Brand? Why It Should, Stephen Christopher, TBJApodcast 280
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  • TBJA 280 Does Your Website Communicate Your Brand? Why It Should, Stephen Christopher
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

What should not be on your website and what should. Stephen Christopher founder of Seequs Digital Marketing shares the mistakes that businesses are making on their website that’s hurting their brand.

Stephen Christopher is the founder of Seequs Digital Marketing, a web marketing firm designed to help business owners achieve results they never thought possible. Before starting Seequs, Stephen started and ran several other award winning businesses but not without some major lessons learned.  This was the catalyst for Stephen becoming an avid student of personal and business development and his number one focus is helping businesses thrive.

One of which was a mortgage company from 2004 – 2008.  With the crash of the mortgage industry in 2008, he learned what its like to go from profitable to over $100,000 in debt overnight.  From this failure he learned more about business than any school or program could ever teach.  

The primary platform Stephen uses to add extreme value to businesses is the online strategy and service that his agency, Seequs, provides.


One of the tops things that I want to experience is driving a giant bulldozer and racing across the desert in a Baja racing truck.


How he became $100,000 in debt in 72 hours and what @stephenmchris did to find business success again.

The universe is setup for you to win just get out of your own way.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“Think of it more as publishing instead of marketing. Be authentic as a publisher and create content that helps you connect to everyone else…because they’re already connected.” –Mitch Joel

Success Tip

Monitor Your Minutes and know your big goals. Make every minute count.

Career Highlight

Stephen owned a mortgage company but ended up over $100k in debt after the mortgage industry crashed in 2008. Hear what he learned and why this is a proud moment for him.

When It Didn’t Work!

Stephen had a partner in his business but it wasn’t working out. Hear what happened, why this was more stressful than going 100k into debt, how he managed it, and what the final outcome was.

knowing that the universe is set up for success and winning – we just have to get out a place of fear and focus on what we DO WANT and not what we dont want.   My why, goals, and persistence through the hard times keep me going.  Ive learned over the years that pain is generally VERY temporary and easily overcome when I focused on what I did want

Top Tips:  Does Your Website Communicate Your Brand? And Why It Should

  1. Know your brand: how do people feel when they interact with your company.
  2. Reverse engineer your website based on your brand.
  3. Don’t overpower your brand by cluttering it with too much.
  4. Don’t create a misalignment. Get rid of too much information on your Home page.
  5. Get rid of 50 percent of what’s on your Home page.
  6. Think about what else could you get rid of.
  7. Reduce content on your Home page:
  8. Make your website convert: Direct people to what you want them to do. What is in it for your customer. Make your top objective very clear.
  9. Reporting and tracking: test, track, and continue to make changes.

Case study:  and

Think Like A Journalist!

You have been hired to help an ailing company that’s about to financially collapse. Its reputation’s shot. You have one month, a $1000 budget, a smartphone, and a laptop. How do you begin to turn this company around?

Begin by determining if the company’s product/service is viable and something that people actually want… assuming it is, then:   create a comeback story and integrate it into the culture and market.  Talk about where the company will be in 3 years.  Talk about this EVERYWHERE.  Use social media, and free PR to get people talking about the company, its story and what it offers.  Create one specific offer that all marketing is focused around driving traffic to

What is one piece of technology, video, multimedia equipment, or app that you just can’t live without?

Can’t live without my laptop– it can do everything I need from anywhere in the world (i could easily live without a phone and wouldn’t mind doing it

One book, documentary, or Internet Channel to watch?

You Squared, Price Pritchett

Expert Predictions

The year is 2025 What is your prediction for the future of TV, news media, and brand journalism and how will it affect businesses? 

Things will continue to become more and more transparent because of technology… businesses will have to be very open about their brand, why they do what they do, and even in terms of financials.  Story telling and making sure that your brand is clearly defined and intelligently communicated will be a must if you want to stay in business.

Resource Links and Contact Information: where can we find you?

Twitter @stephenmchris

Twitter @SeequsInnovates

TBJA 127 Creating Entrepreneurship Your Way With Mitch Joel

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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