Fire, Aim, Ready: The Start-At-The-End Approach to Lifting Your Organization, Eliot Wagonheim, TBJApodcast 275
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  • TBJA 275 Fire, Aim, Ready: The Start-At-The-End Approach To Lifting Your Organization, Eliot Wagonheim
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Why you need to Fire, Aim, Ready: the start-at-the-end approach to lifting your organization. Learn top tips from Eliot Wagonheim.

Eliot Wagonheim is a speaker, strategist, author and educator who works with clients to embrace, rather than inhibit, innovation.  Through his Outlawyer platform, Eliot serves as a confidante, mentor, strategist and sounding board for entrepreneurs and organizational leaders.

Tell your success story and how it looks in each contract, partnership.


Despite my overwhelming respect for indoor plumbing and deep, abiding love of living indoors, air conditioning, and great take-out, I spent 2 weeks hiking with my son over the mountains and mesas of the northern New Mexico desert last summer, while carrying a 50 pound backpack on a 110 mile trek at Philmont Scout Ranch.


Act like a news reporter know your closing line before you start.

If you haven’t lost, you haven’t played.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” — James Cash Penney, founder, JC Penney

Success Quote

Success doesn’t come to you. You go to it. –Marva Collins

Career Highlight

Eliot only knew of three things to be: lawyer, accountant, doctor. He became a lawyer and started working with businesses. Law is a backward looking profession. Eliot wanted to be an entrepreneur to help businesses with their communication.

In 2009 Eliot created a ground-breaking program that came from a client who had shared some insights about his billing practices. Find how this information changed Eliot’s business.

When It Didn’t Work!

Eliot took on a client that wasn’t a good fit but despite seeing all the red flags he didn’t end the business relationship. “She walked away with a bad experience. I walked away with a bad experience.” Find out what Eliot learned and how he does things differently.

It doesn’t matter what business you need in the door. What matters is will this engagement allow you to do your best work?

Fire, Aim…Ready: The Start at the End Approach to Lifting Your Organization, Eliot Wagonheim

  1. Imagine the conversation.
  2. The answer isn’t a word, phrase or sentence; it’s a story.
  3. Stories have power.
  4. Ask your employees what they want to be better at in the future.
  5. “Date” your partner before you begin: get to know your perspective business partner.
  6. Know how your partnership will end and what happens next.
  7. Craft agreements succinctly and written clearly and contain the definition of success with an exit strategy.
  8. Scope creep: handling the project that keeps growing beyond the contract. Email authorization, phone & email: “This is to confirm”.

Multimedia Resource



Essentialism The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less, Greg McKeown


Twitter @Wagonheim

Outlawyer Insights website 

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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