Should We Wither The Brand Portal, Shel Holtz, TBJApodcast 259
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  • TBJA 259 Should We Wither The Brand Portal? With Shel Holtz
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Should we whither the brand portal? Shel Holtz asks as people increasingly turn to their feeds for news, how likely is it that they’ll visit a brand portal? Shel shares why it’s increasingly important to have a presence on each of the networks that are popular with your audience/market.

Shel Holtz is an Accredited Business Communicator who formed Holtz Communication + Technology (HC+T) in 1996 to help organizations communicate more effectively using online and digital technology. Shel brings nearly 40 years of experience to his assignments. Shel has expertise in strategic corporate and employee communications, corporate public relations, crisis communications, media relations, financial communications, marketing communications, change communications, and compensation and benefit communications.

A regular speaker internationally, Shel has authored six communication-focused books…he is pioneer podcaster, launching For Immediate Release, the first communication-themed podcast in January 2005.


I have a granddaughter on the way–due end of April. That’ll make two!

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“90% of new businesses fail in the first three months of launching, due to lack of proper planning, wrong selection of niche/products and marketing platform.”  –K.Raveendran, How to Start a New Business from Scratch and Skyrocket your Income in 9 Easy Steps

Success Quote

Understand the difference between brand journalism and content marketing. The biggest mistake is that content marketing is handled by the marketing department.

Career Highlight

Hear how Shel’s career skyrocketed and what his career highlight is.

When It Didn’t Work!

Hear Shel reveal a struggle that was a valuable lesson.

Should We Wither The Brand Portal? Are social feeds taking over.

Consider where your audience is on social media platforms.

Take advantage of each of features of those channels.

More business leaders using social platforms.

Use brand journalism and journalistic storytelling.

Multimedia Resource



Here Comes Everybody, Clay


Shel Holtz Blog

Twitter @ShelHoltz

Mentioned In This Episode

New Magazine launches without website

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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