How To Get Your Sales & Marketing Departments To Work Together, Robert Hartline, TBJApodcast 231
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  • TBJA 231 How To Make Your Marketing & Sales Departments Work Together, Robert Hartline
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Find out how to get your sales & marketing departments to work together. Entrepreneur, Robert Hartline, shares what marketers need to learn from sales teams. Get his top tips.

Robert Hartline is the founder of Call Proof. He’s a serial entrepreneur, he built his businesses to where today they generate $24 Million in total revenue. His expertise around sales and automating follow up sequences helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and sales people, contributing to millions of dollars in additional sales.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

In business, you’re the Chief Salesman. Create a sense of demand, rather than waiting to have demand.  –Barbara Corcoran

Success Tip

Treat every day likes it your last and make the most of it.

Career Highlight

When I have a salesperson who develop into a great …when i see them hit particular milestones or get into a leadership position.

When It Didn’t Work!

[10:33]Robert had a when it didn’t work moment seven years ago when he was doing everything in the company. He thought working hard was good and would rarely delegate. He realized that he could not work in the business…

How To Make Your Marketing & Sales Departments Work Together

1.  Marketing people should participate in sales calls.

2.  Marketing people should join sales team meetings: look for trends, determine if the prospects are worth pursuing.

3.  Marketing departments should do a lead audit: see how long the process takes your sales team to respond.

4.  Marketing departments should listen to inbound sales calls. See if the sales people are doing a good job of asking questions and closing the deal.

5.  Sales teams should communicate effectively how they are getting customers effectively. 

Questions Marketing Department Should Ask Sales Department

  • Tell me about your 5 best customers. What brought them to you? How did you get them?
  • Leads are bananas. Once they get air, they go bad fast. Sales people must respond quickly.
  • All leads should be called in five minutes.
  • The purpose of marketing is to sell.
  • Your marketing department must know what it’s like to sell.

Think Like A Journalist!

You have been hired to help an ailing company that’s about to financially collapse. Its reputation’s shot. You have one month, a $1000 budget, a smartphone, and a laptop. How do you begin to turn this company around?

[25:43]….I would probably go to my team…ask for referrals when they’re excited.

cutout…my comment…

What is one piece of technology, video or multimedia equipment, or app that you just can’t live without?  Uber

you can buy time…using Uber…so

One book, documentary, or Internet Channel to watch?

48 Laws of Power Robert Green

Expert Predictions

The year is 2025… What is your prediction for the future of TV, news media, and brand journalism…and how will it affect businesses? 

Self-driving cars…no car ownership


Call Proof Website

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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