The Ability To Be Prolific With Your Content Marketing, Jay Acunzo, TBJApodcast 190
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  • TBJA 190 The Ability To Be Prolific With Your Content Marketing Writing, Jay Acunzo
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

How to make an impact with your writing. Learn the ability to be prolific with your content marketing. Jay Acunzo, co-founder of Boston Content, shares his top tips.

Jay Acunzo is the vice president of platform at NextView Ventures, a seed VC firm investing in web and mobile startups. For the firm, he leads all content and branding and supports nearly 50 startup companies with exclusive resources and initiatives.  Jay is a co-founder of Boston Content, New England’s largest community group for content marketers and producers.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“People need stories more than bread itself. They tell us how to live, and why.” –Arabian Nights

Success Quote

“Aim for resonance not reach.”

Career Highlight

“I want to be the thing people choose not the thing interrupting you from getting to that thing.”

Find out why Jay left Google and why the above quote is what drove him to take action in his entrepreneurial life. Find  out why his sentences now end in “exclamation points”!

When It Didn’t Work

Hear what went wrong when Jay wanted to revamp a campaign. Find out what Jay learned and why he says he would have used data to influence and change the original outcome of the project. 

The Ability To Be Prolific With Your Content Marketing

  1. Drill down and develop your story.
  2. Make your story relatable.
  3. Have clear end goals for your content writing.
  4. Ask what’s next for the reader.
  5. Frame your story using one single focus. For instance, Coke is: happiness.
  6. Remember it’s one simple story.
  7. Use this Storytelling Formula: First state the Status Quo. Conflict. Then Resolution.

Multimedia Resource



The Moment


Twitter @Jay_Zo

Boston Content Website

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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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