How To Build & Run Your Own Media Property, Bernie Borges, TBJAPodcast 175
Listen to the Episode Below (00:35:23)
  • TBJA 175 How To Build & Run Your Own Media Property, Bernie Borges
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

What is a Media Property and why should your brand build one. Bernie Borges founded Find and Convert and Social Business Engine. He shares why it’s no longer good enough to just have a blog and what brands need to do right now.

Bernie Borges is founder and CEO of Find and Convert, a B2B digital marketing agency.  He is a consummate content producer who blogs weekly, speaks at conferences and educates through workshops and webinars.  Bernie is also the host of the Social Business Engine podcast where each week he features a leader from a brand who shares how they use social media in their business strategy. His first book, Marketing 2.0, is a popular book about social media marketing strategy.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

I think editors are excellent marketers. They know their audience and produce copy to appeal to them – they just don’t call it marketing. –David Robinson, Australian Marketing Executive

Success Quote

“Incremental progress is better than eventual perfection.”

Career Highlight

When It Didn’t Work

Find out why Bernie getting fired by a client turned out be the best thing that ever happened. Hear the details about when it didn’t work and what this situation taught him.

How To Build & Run Your Own Media Property

  1. Decide what your approach or theme you will tackle for your Media Property. Examples: Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials Hub or HP’s TechBeacon.
  2. Engage your employees: provide employees the opportunity to participate by producing content. This helps the brand with its target audience but also helps to create brand loyalty with the employees.
  3. Empower employees to join in the content marketing journey. Successful brands are not afraid that they’ll lose their employees by having them also develop a brand personality.
  4. Consider building your own Media Property on its own Website and having it “powered by your brand”. (Just like the way The Brand Journalism Advantage is powered by Live Fit Films.

Multimedia Resource

Apple’s 27″ Thunderbolt Cinema Display


Brandscaping by Andrew Davis

Resource Links and Contact Information: where can we find you?

TBJA 109 Cleveland Clinic: Most Visited Hospital Blog In Country, Amanda Todorovich

TBJA 118 How To Become A Brand Customers Can’t Live Without, John DiJulius

The Circle by Dave Eggers


Twitter @BernieBorges

Bernie Borges LinkedIn Profile

Find and Convert Website

Bernie’s Media Property: Social Business Engine

Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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