How To Grow Your Online Social Community, Lane Jones, TBJApodcast 169
Listen to the Episode Below (00:25:57)
  • TBJA 169 How To Grow & Lead Your Online Social Community, Lane Jones
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Lane Jones shares how she created significant value and built her online community to launch her business. Find out why she no longer uses the term “copywriter” and hear her tips on learning to charge for the value of your services.

Lane Jones is a wife, technology geek, coffee lover and Brand Strategist for her company Freshtake On Content. Her specialty is working with small businesses to put the pieces together for marketing online. She works with companies to use simple, proven Internet marketing strategies to help attract better clients and make more money online. Lane’s focus is on getting your brand more customers and helping your company make more money using trackable, measurable methods.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and
sowing seeds that benefit others.” ― John C. Maxwell

Success Quote

Either you run the day or the day runs you. –Jim Rohn

Once you taste significance success will never satisfy.” –John Maxwell

Career Highlight

Lane started out as a freelance copywriter. Hear how Lane pursued her career and grew her business. Find out why she stopped calling herself a “copywriter” and how this impacted her business success.

When It Didn’t Work

Lane wasn’t charging for the value she was giving because she didn’t understand her own value of the services she was providing. Find out what it took for Lane to learn how to charge the right prices for her services. Also, find out why charging more is important to building your brand. Lane learned to charge the right value for her services by investing in other people’s services.

Top Tips On How To Grow & Lead Your Online Social Community

Lane has been certified as a John Maxwell Team member to teach using Maxwell’s leadership lessons. The project is on Social Influence: 4 Keys to Growing & LEADing Your Social Media Community.

LEADing means:
Listening: helps you identify what your community needs. It also helps you generate more ideas.
Engaging: helps show your community that you care because you’re talking with them not at them.
Appreciating: send free offers, show your community they matter.
Directing: what direction are you taking the community.

Multimedia Resource

Word Swag app


Becoming A Person Of Influence, John C. Maxwell

Mentioned In This Episode

TBJA 128 Michael Stelzner On Social Media & The Future Of Branded Content 


FreshTake On Content

Twitter @ContentWithLane


Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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