Branding Isn't About You; Know Your Customer, Dr. John Tantillo, TBJApodcast 139
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  • TBJA 139 Branding Isn’t About You; Know Your Customer With Dr. John Tantillo
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

He’s known as the Marketing Doctor. Dr. John Tantillo shares how he went from no TV presence to doing TV appearances regularly. Remember branding isn’t about you; know your customer in order to successfully market to them.

“My first secret, and I’ve said this once and I’ll say it many, many times, it’s it’s not about you rather it’s all about your customer.” –Dr. John Tantillo

Dr. John Tantillo is the branding editor for Fridge Magazine, branding and marketing consultant, contributor to the Fox News Opinion Page, a go-to expert for BBC on a range of marketing issues and frequently appears in the national media which includes Cavuto, Fox & Friends, MSNBC’s Weekends With Alex Witt, ABC News Live, Fox News Live and former radio talk show host.
He has been particularly outspoken about what he perceives as the money wasted on Super Bowl advertising. Tantillo is credited with coining the term The O’Reilly Factor, which later became the title of Bill O’Reilly’s television show.

Think Like A Journalist Excerpt

That famous John Wanamaker quote about half of advertising spending being wasted may not apply to the Super Bowl : A study by research firm Communicus suggests 80% of the ads don’t sell stuff.  Source: AdAge

Success Tip

It’s not about you, it’s all about your customers. #BusinessTips

Career Highlight

Find out how John began appearing on TV despite a challenge he faced in his childhood.

Learn what this article on the Royal Family did for John and why Fox News found it interesting.

When It Didn’t Work

John learned a tough lesson that he now says is at the heart of marketing. Listen to find out what he learned and what is the key to marketing success.

Top Tips
  1. Understand from your consumer perspective: think like your customer.
  2. Choose a brand description that will differentiate your brand based on consumer needs.
  3. A brand is more than a name; it’s how customers perceive your brand.
  4. Always be branding…what works today, may not work tomorrow.
  5. Go brand yourself…from the perspective of your customers.
Multimedia Resource



Think Like A Black Belt by Jim Bouchard

Fridge Magazine


Twitter @MarketingDoctor

Marketing Doctor TV

People Buy Brands Not Companies, John Tantillo


Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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