Legal Tips On Live streaming & Video Storytelling Kerry O'Shea Gorgone, TBJApodcast 133
Listen to the Episode Below (00:41:55)
  • TBJA 133 Legal Tips On Live streaming & Video Storytelling With Lawyer, Kerry O’Shea Gorgone
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Kerry O’Shea Gorgone is a lawyer, podcaster, and speaker. She answers all important questions on live streaming, video taping, and sending your brand’s message out over the Internet.

Kerry O’Shea Gorgone, J.D./M.B.A., is a lawyer, podcaster and speaker.
A former college professor, Kerry develops training programs for MarketingProfs, and has addressed audiences at industry conferences including the B2B Marketing Forum, the Social Brand Forum, Vocus Demand Success, and FLBlogCon. She has also spoken at specialty conferences including Bloggy Boot Camp and the Type-A Parent Conference, and frequently conducts private workshops for clients.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

For business our Internet love affair was a gift from the Gods. –Gary Vaynerchuck

Success Tip

Try your best.

Career Highlight [8:40]

Kerry started podcasting in 2005 with a pregnancy podcast when she was pregnant with her first child. Find out how she landed a position podcasting with MarketingProfs and how it has helped her hone her skills as an interviewer and grow her brand.

When It Didn’t Work

Kerry says she tends to take on to much. She learned to cut away the things that sap her energy and focus on the most important things.

Top Tips [20:37]
  1. Plan your live stream as carefully as you would a pre-planned video shoot
  2. Frame your shot. Not everybody is watching on a tiny screen. They’re seeing detail that you are not.
  3. Watch your live stream comments.
  4. What can you hear. Sometimes what you’re focused on is not what your viewers are focused on.
  5. Have a contingency plan.
  6. You don’t have the right to live stream if you’re on a private property.
  7. Know your wiretap laws.

Guidelines for bloggers and brands.


Multimedia Resource



Reinventing You, Dorie Clark
Think Like A Rock Star, Mack Collier
The Impact Equation, Chris Brogan & Julien Smith
Everybody Writes, Ann Handley

Mack Collier, The Fan-Damn-Tastic Marketing Show

Chris Brogan’s Sunday Newsletter


Kerry Gorgone Website

Twitter @KerryGorgone


Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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