The Power of Twitter Chats, Maria Elena, Duron, TBJApodcast 112
Listen to the Episode Below (00:35:25)
  • TBJA 112 The Power Of Twitter Chats With Maria Elena Duron
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

How to explain what you do well in 140 characters. Plus the power of #TwitterChats. How to start one and why you should do it now to build a community. Maria Duron shares her experiences from one of the world’s Top Twitter Chats. Learn the power of Twitter Chats.

Maria Elena Duron is a Marketing Strategist and Coach with Know, Like + Ignite, a boutique relationship development firm, that works with small businesses in bridging their offline and online relationships to increase recommendations, referrals and revenue. Duron specializes in small business marketing; personal and small business brand marketing; referral and appreciation marketing and brand community management. She is recognized by the Texas Governor’s Office and the Texas Workforce Commission for Excellence in Business and is founder of #brandchat.

Inspect what you expect. #BusinessTips #SocialMediaMarketing

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“Most people can’t hear until they’ve been heard.”  Red Scott, businessman

Success Tip or Quote

Never let anyone define you.

Career Highlight

Maria is a mom of  three sons. She’s also an entrepreneur of a family-run business. Her proudest professional moment was receiving a highly respected reward. Listen to her story about her career highlight.

When It Didn’t Work

Hear how a startling accident changed Maria’s life and gave her a new perspective in business and her personal life.

Top Tips On Marketing & Twitter Chats
  1. Know what you want and need first.
  2. Inspect what you expect. Be objective.
  3. Know what you’re good at and what you’re passionate about.
  4. Provide the service that you do best.
  5. Have a laser focus.
  6. You must be able to say it succinctly.
  7. WIFM: What’s in it for me?
  1. Starting A Twitter Chat
    To moderate consider using: That’s what #BrandChat uses.
    Utilize both your personal Twitter handle and a platform to do the chat.

Know what feeds your business and success. #Entrepreneurship

Multimedia Resources

Camcard, Nimble


The 5 Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman
The 5 Languages of Appreciation In The Workplace, Gary Chapman, Paul White


Twitter @BrandChat – Top Twitter Chats in world


Twitter @MariaDuron

Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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