Why I Started The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast, Phoebe Chongchua, TBJA1
Listen to the Episode Below (00:09:08)
  • TBJA 001: What To Expect On The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Welcome, Brand Journalism Community. Thank you so much for joining me for episode 1 of The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast…I’m your host, Brand Journalist Phoebe Chongchua. You can learn more at ThinkLikeAJournalist.com. I’m also the founder of Live Fit Films, a company that’s empowering businesses to become the media and share their stories with consumers using brand journalism strategies.

The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast is here to help business owners and transitioning journalists navigate the course to success through deeper connections with consumers.  In this brief episode, I’ll highlight what you can expect from The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast and tell you a little bit more about me.  The world is changing and this podcast is where business owners learn and build a competitive advantage using storytelling and new media marketing to grow business with brand journalism strategies.

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If you’re not familiar with all of those terms…that’s okay. As you listen in each week and become a part of The Brand Journalism community, you’ll find it’s a place to learn. You’ll hear new ideas and concepts that you can immediately implement in your business. You’ll get success stories and learn from thought leaders and experts about things that didn’t work… and you’ll build inspiration to continue to thrive.

If you’re a transitioning journalists interested in brand journalism, this podcast will give you powerful tips from others who’ve left traditional media to work as brand journalists.

So what is brand journalism? It’s storytelling about a brand and its industry but with the consumer in mind. Click to Tweet.

It aims to engage the consumer and establish trust by providing information to help consumers make educated decisions.

Today every company needs to be a media company, publishing fresh and relevant content regularly to strengthen its brand and gain loyal, engaged followers. Many companies are turning to journalists to help them create brand journalism newsrooms and their own media websites for consumers. Old redundant marketing is out. Today’s leading brands are pushing out stories via their websites that rival traditional news coverage. They are the media.

To do that, though, you have to “Think Like A Journalist”.

You’ll get the inside scoop on The Brand Journalism Advantage. Relevant experts and advanced thought leaders from around the globe share industry insights and strategies…. to help you succeed.

Our show format guides you through the story of our experts’ career success. They’ll give you tangible tools and information to apply in your business. Plus you’ll hear expert predictions that could change the way you’re marketing your business today. It’s education right at your finger tips. So, download The Brand Journalism Advantage and take us with you in your car, on a run, and while you’re out and about.
You can catch fresh episodes of The Brand Journalism Advantage every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Be sure to subscribe in iTunes to get each episode. Find all the resources for each episode in our show notes at: ThinkLikeAJournalist.com.

Now, here’s a little bit about my background. I’m a yoga instructor and an entrepreneur. How I became both is an interesting journey.

I started in public radio broadcasting at 18 years old. I always knew I wanted to be a TV journalist by the time I was 20, I was working in TV news in San Diego, my home town. Shortly afterward, II became a news anchor for 10News, the ABC affiliate. It was the highlight of my life at that time. A decade later I was promoted to the station’s Community Affairs Specialist, creating news stories about companies that the station partnered with. Sounds a lot like brand journalism, doesn’t it? It was, and using that strategy, I created one of California’s largest resource festivals. We had 20,000 people attend the one-day event. It was the station’s way of differentiating itself from the competition. And it worked!

I was hooked. Brand journalism storytelling connected with audiences; as long as I told the story with consumers in mind, they became engaged and loyal followers—and this was long before social media. I had to ask: How could I Think Like a Journalist and help by delivering more value through my news report?

When my father became sick with prostate cancer, I left my career in TV news to care for him so he could die at home. His tragic death liberated me to pursue my true passion.

Without a job, I started a new journey as an entrepreneur, and that is what led me here to you today. But there were many paths—some right, many wrong—but each provided correction and direction to continue on and thrive.

Today, my media publishing brands which specialize in video storytelling are: ThinkLikeAJournalist.com, LiveFitMagazine.com, ThePlantBasedDiet.com, SDRealEstateHelp.com, and PCIN.TV. And, of course, my personal site: PhoebeChongchua.com. Each Website delivers unique content aimed at helping people live better.

Everything I share with you on The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast, I practice in my business and with my clients.

Now, the yoga thing. When my daughter went off to college…I craved some balance that had long been missing from my life. I found power yoga in a heated room with a temperature of about 100 degrees to be the perfect place to find myself…beneath the sweaty mess that I was on my mat, I found that yoga made me a more successful entrepreneur by keeping me alert in the present, open to change, and teaching me strength through deliberate movements and deep meditation. I was addicted and in 2013 I became a certified yoga teacher.

I tie all of my experience from my journey and our experts together in the brand journalism advantage podcast.

I hope you’ll tune in each week and, if you like The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast, please subscribe, rate it, and, let your voice be heard by writing a review in iTunes. That really helps the podcast get noticed. And, if you give it a five-star rating, it makes me smile ear-to-ear, while I strike a yoga warrior pose.

I’m Phoebe Chongchua… I hope you, enjoy this brief preview of highlight excerpts from our upcoming shows.

Resource Links

Phoebe Chongchua LinkedIn Profile

Phoebe Chongchua Website

Live Fit Films

Live Fit Magazine

The Plant-Based Diet

SD Real Estate Help

Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at ThinkLikeAJournalist.com.

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