Start Your Business With Less Than $1,000 , Cadi Jordan
Listen to the Episode Below (00:23:48)
  • TBJA 107 Start Your Business With Less Than $1,000: Entrepreneur, Cadi Jordan
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Wellness entrepreneur, Cadi Jordan, started her company with less than $1,000. She’s grown the company and created her ideal lifestyle using social media tools and content marketing.

Cadi Jordan is a respected social media & marketing strategist throughout North America. Her forte is in training, coaching and online management in the spa, health and wellness sectors. Cadi is the author of forthcoming book, How to Run your Social Media like an Agency, a columnist at Spa Inc Magazine, Fresh Vancouver Magazine and Educator at Leading Spas of Canada. When not at the spa you can find Cadi anywhere in the great outdoors with her family.

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“You have to balance reason with passion; reason keeps you open, passion keeps your adrenaline going.” –Unknown

Success Tip or Quote

“Be yourself… everyone else is already taken.”

Career Highlight

Cadi started her own business after her second child was born. She didn’t have funds to start a business so she rolled up her sleeves and got busy using social media marketing and grew a successful brand.

When It Didn’t Work

Cadi doesn’t like numbers which is why she found a time when it didn’t work when she was charging too little for my time. Learn how she adjusted things quite and learned to put the right price and value offering for her clients.

Top Tips
  1. Value your time: schedule it and use a calendar to stay on track.
  2. Don’t worry about the competition. What makes you different makes you stronger. People do business with those they know like and trust.
  3. Be Authentic: riding on not worrying about the competition. Stand out and shine. Do what you do best and the rest will be taken care of!
  4. Tools: be sure to use the tools that help your business grow. There are so many out there for social media. Remember using tools and systems helps free you up to do what you love and what you do best.
  5. Check yourself: periodically check what is working and shift or pivot when needed. Stick with what works. Be sure to outsource what you need to so that you can take care of things in your business that you are most aligned with and you will see your business reach new levels!
Multimedia Resource

MacbookPro and BundlePost.


Fascinate by Sally Hogshead

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman


Cadi Jordan Website

Twitter @CadiJordan

LinkedIn Profile Cadi Jordan



Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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