Scott Eddy is one of the coolest Twitter peeps. He has more than half-a-million followers on Twitter. He shares how his travels, social networking, and social media fan-base help his business grow and win clients.
Scott Eddy is a Serial Entrepreneur, Social Media Consultant and the digital “go-to” guy for
the startup scene. In 2009, he fell in love with Twitter and has since grown his network to more than 600,000 social media fans to date, and that number continues growing daily. Scott has spent the last 15 years traveling the world and jumpstarting businesses in foreign countries like Thailand and Spain. He consults and advises companies and entrepreneurs from a variety of different backgrounds, with a focus on the tech industry, startups and, tourism and travel. Scott also does corporate workshops, public speaking and, like a true entrepreneur, he’s still “looking for his own next big idea.”
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Think Like A Journalist Quote
~Richard Branson
Success Tip
Most people wait until they have a finished product before they start building your tribe (potential customers). With social media, that should be done right after you decide to set up the business. Once you are ready to launch everything, you already have people to market to.
Career Highlight
Scott has had a few highlights and tragedies. Listen to find out why he wanted to be a police officer and the tragedy that changed his career path but ultimately has lead to his career highs.
When It Didn’t Work
Find out how Scott lost every penny and what he did to turn things around after a business venture failed.
Brand Journalism Marketing Advice
- Learn a technical skill, such as video, website development, social media.
- Spend more time on the solution not the problem.
- Social media is visual storytelling. Share photos and stories.
- Be positive and share uplifting tweets such as inspiring quotes and funny jokes.
- Know who you’re tweeting to…your target audience. Tailor your tweets to that audience and make sure you consider the time of dat that you’re sending the tweets out.
Multimedia Resource
Twitter (of course!)
Book, Documentary, Podcast, Internet Channel
Resource Link
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