Sarah Mitchell shares how chasing the wrong audience, even though the social media numbers were good and increasing, wasn’t producing the right results. Find out how Sarah changed direction and created greater success using content marketing.
Sarah Mitchell is head of content strategy at Lush Digital Media, founder of Global Copywriting, and the Australian Editor of Chief Content Officer magazine. You can hear her speak on the Brand Newsroom weekly podcast. Sarah develops and implements content marketing strategies for organizations all over the world.
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Career Highlight
Sarah has a diverse background. In an unusual turn of events, her career in technology and software development brought her into the world of brand journalism and content marketing. In this phase of her life, Sarah feels that her blog is one of her highlights. Listen to find out why.
When It didn’t Work
Sarah chased the wrong audience. Find out what she did to get back on track.
Storytelling Principles
- What is the problem?
- What is the solution?
- What is the outcome?
Let the Brand Journalist tell the story. Don’t try to add your company’s promotional spin.
Think Like a Journalist and find the news hook.
Launch content and time it with conventions, trade shows, and other big events to enhance opportunities for exposure.
Content can’t just entertain. It must convert.
Determine what your purpose is for your content so that you can measure the success of your efforts.
Pick up the telephone and call journalists before sending a press release to try to get your story covered. Most companies don’t call; they only send a poorly written press release which typically results in no exposure.
Multimedia Resource
Apple Laptop & Internet
Book, Documentary, Podcast, or Internet Channel
Resource Links
Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, buys Washington Post
TBJA 028 Kirk Cheyfitz: Storytelling For Brand Success
TBJA 006: Tomas Kellner From GE Reports Shares Brand Journalism Success Story
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