Nedra Kline Weinreich shares the influence transmedia story-telling has on consumers and how it is used to successfully build a brand. If you don’t know what transmedia storytelling is, you must tune in to learn how it can help your business.
Nedra Kline Weinreich is the president and founder of Weinreich Communications. Since 1995 she has been helping nonprofits and public agencies create positive health and social change through social marketing and transmedia storytelling strategies. Nedra is the author of Hands-On Social Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Change for Good and is a faculty member at the UCLA School of Public Health. Nedra started the Transmedia for Good Network and writes about social marketing and storytelling at the Spare Change blog. She has particular expertise in research and evaluation, and has worked on issues such as mental health, unintended pregnancy, education reform, tobacco prevention, human trafficking and environmental issues.
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Think Like A Journalist Quote
“Storytelling is an act of cultural preservation. From drawing on a cave wall to commenting on a friends FaceBook staus, the desire to share information is innate.” ~Jenae Jane via Sparksheet.
Success Tip or Quote
From his series Gaping Void
Career Highlight
Involved in marketing the issue of human trafficking and modern-day slavery.
Brand Journalism Advice
- Social marketing /transmedia storytelling is using the same techniques you use to market a business, but applying it to selling behaviors to create positive change in people’s lives.
- Use communication to change people’s behaviors.
- Make sure your advocate/spokespeople are trained to talk to the media.
- Hire a media coach to effectively communicate your message.
Multimedia Resource
Multimedia Book, Documentary, Channel
Made To Stick, Chip and Dan Heath
Resource Links
East Los High (Hulu) – example of transmedia storytelling in the media
Transmedia Storytelling article
Nedra Kline Weinrich’s LinkedIn
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