3 Things You Must Do To Build Your Personal Brand, Esther Kiss, TBJApodcast 42
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  • TBJA 042 Esther Kiss: 3 Things You Must Do To Build Your Personal Brand & Target Audience
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Esther Kiss on The Brand Journalism Advantage PodcastEsther Kiss, Host of Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, shares three things you must do to build your personal brand and target your audience to effectively reach cosumers.

Esther Kiss is the creator and host of Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, a highly popular free podcast on iTunes specializing in interviewing NY Times bestselling authors and other world class entrepreneurs about their marketing strategies. In her work with private clients (coaches, consultants, bestselling authors, speakers and more), Esther helps them build their influential personal brand through content marketing, setting up joint venture partnerships, strategic alliances and helping them get featured in the media.

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Think Like A Journalist Quote

“In the end, we’ll all become stories.” ~Margaret Atwood, Canadian poet, novelist, and literary critic.

Success Tip

People can’t intelligently evaluate services based on diplomas. Instead, you have to build your personal brand and reputation to help customers be able to make an educated decision about you.

Career Highlight

Esther has had a very diverse background from marketing to even acting. Today, she loves working with her clients and helping them get seen and on shows that help them build their brand.

When It Didn’t Work

Esther shares how an information product she had been building didn’t sell as she’d hoped. Find out what she did to turn that situation around and discover what she needed to do to find direction.

Brand Journalism, Twitter & Personal Branding Advice

3 Things You Must Do:

  1. Create Content.
  2. Connect with the right people.
  3. Extend your reach by using social platforms.

Twitter Success Tips

  1. Content can come from your videos, blogs, articles. Transcribe videos and audio feeds to use 140 character excerpts as tweets.
  2. Create engagement by interacting and tweeting with others.
  3. Get and manage followers using tweepi.com. Create free account. Flush and reciporicate.
  4. Work up to tweeting at least 10 times per day.
  5. Leave room in your tweets for a RT (retweet). Don’t make retweeters have to work to re-edit your original tweet in order for them to add their comments.
  6. Use tweetdeck.com to help increase and manage engagement. You can easily share other people’s tweets using this program.
  7. Don’t follow profiles that have “eggs” as their picture.
  8. Be sure to unfollow people who aren’t following you. Twitter will limit how many people you can add, if you don’t have people following you back.
  9. Use other social media platforms to find people to follow on Twitter.
Multimedia Resource

Google Hangouts

Book, documentary, Podcast, Internet Channel

Selling The Invisible

Resource Links

Gary Vaynerchuk on Born To Influence Podcast

Jordan Belfort, the real Wolf on Wall Street

TBJA 018 Bill Belew: Using Web Content To Increase Traffic & Business

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Esther Kiss on The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast
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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at ThinkLikeAJournalist.com.

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