Creating Bonds With Consumers & Staying Relevant, David Siroty, TBJApodcast 36
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  • TBJA 036 David Siroty: Creating Bonds With Consumers & Staying Relevant, Even After The Sale
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

Davide Siroty on The Brand Journalism Advantage PodcastDavid Siroty on how to keep consumers engaged even after the sale; staying relevant to consumers. Coldwell Banker Real Estate uses journalistic-storytelling to stay top-of-mind with its buyers and sellers. Tips you can use in your business.

David Siroty is the the VP, North American Public Relations for Coldwell Banker. He’s in his 11th year with the real estate company. He oversees promotion for the Coldwell Banker brand and its media initiatives. David was honored by PR News in its PR People Awards as the 2010 Lemonade Maker: earning the award for leading Coldwell Banker public relations efforts to great results despite the challenging real estate market. David has worked in public relations for nearly 30 years in the real estate, sports, TV, agency and university industries. He’s also taught public relations for several years and is most proud of his 2002 baseball book, “The Hit Men and the Kid Who Batted Ninth.”

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Think Like A Journalist Quote

“The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves – and the better the teacher, the better the student body.” ~Warren Buffett, source.

Success Tip

Get over your fears. Take action by starting to produce your own videos. You’ll get better as you go and attract consumers.

Career Highlight

Made succesful transition from journalist to marketing and today uses his journalistic skills in his position at Coldwell Banker, one of the top brands in the country. The company drives 21 million visits to its social platforms primarily by using unique content that originates at its Website. The company believes in collaboration and connectivity with its clients via social platforms. Its Youtube channel has more than 7 million views.

Brand Journalism Advice

It’s about storytelling. The same type of content people would want to read in a newspaper, magazine, or book.

Providing unique, quality content drives traffic to your Website and creates optimal social connectivity.

Nearly three-quarters of Americans (72 percent) agree that too often real estate listing descriptions incorrectly portray the home for sale.

You must practice social listening to provide relevant content to consumers.

Multimedia Resource


Multimedia Book, Documentary, Podcast or Internet Channel
Resource Links

Jessica Edwards, Realtor who started using video to brand and market

Coldwell Banker Blog Blue Matter

Youtube Coldwell Banker 

Major League Baseball Players In-Home Campaign: Home Field Advantage

Home Sweet Home story 2014

2014 Coldwell Banker TV Ad Home Sweet Home from jason prood on Vimeo.


David Siroty LinkedIn Profile

Twitter @DSiroty

Twitter @ColdwellBanker

Instagram: @ColdwellBanker

Coldwell Banker Website

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David Siroty, Coldwell Banker, on The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast
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Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at

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