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  • TBJA 048: Best Of 2014–Expert Predictions, Part 2
Brand Journalism, Marketing & More

What Does the future hold for businesses and brands. Experts from around the country give their take on how the future is shaping up in the next 10 years. Thought-provoking content to prepare your company for the future.


Hello Brand Journalism Community. I’m PC thanks for tuning in to The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast. Here we go with the inside scoop. On today’s show, it’s Part2 of our Expert Predictions from the Best Of 2014.

If you’ve listened to previous episodes of The Brand Journalism Advantage Podcast then you know that one of the questions I ask is where we will be in 2025. The answers certainly vary but most agree that one of the biggest changes for the business world will be the ways brand communicate to consumers.

Brand Journalism community, 2025 is 10 years away…technological advances will come quickly in just the next five years. Getting a good understanding of how your brand fits in and makes the most use of technology now, will help keep you ahead of the pack.

My prediction, like many of our guests is that brands will further develop and make use of their own channels that feature not only their content but likely also curated content such as we do on PCIN.TV our internet TV Network channel. These channels will be easily accessible to everyone anywhere in the world. This programming will change the relationship that consumers have with brands. It will help create stronger ties and reliance on the brand for knowledge not just about their products but about the industry. So, for instance, Patagonia which currently produces a highly-watched Youtube channel, will continue to share content that talks about its clothing and its impact on the environment. Brands that are highly regarded and watched will establish a star-like quality and become known for their “shareable” content. We’ll see more consumer interaction such as citizen journalism not just on breaking news stories but also submissions for and about brands. Consumerism will be less about impulse shopping and more about thoughtful spends that have been researched by consumers through content that answers their questions about products and services.

But now lets hear from some of our past guests on The Brand Journalism Advantage in our Best of 2014, Expert Predictions, Part 2. If you want to hear more from any of the guests in this special episode, just visit ThinkLikeAJournalist.com and click on the podcast calendar to listen to their full interview.

Here we go with: Mark W. Schafer, Joe Pullizzi, Thomas Scott, Mark Gurman, David Schmitke, Mitchell Stephens, Amani Channel, and Susan Fowler.

[Listen to the podcast to hear the experts predictions for the year 2025]

Raising a social consciousness, creating greater engagement and more meaningful connections that help brands help consumers…there is so much to look forward to in 2025 and the years leading up to it.

It’s exciting times for brands…never before have companies had the opportunity to be the Media and communicate so easily and effectively to their tribe. Those brands that do it right will excel and thrive proving that if they can Think Like A Journalist…they will increase their bottom line.

So now, it’s time to explore your brand strategy. What are your next steps for the year ahead? How will your company connect with its target audience?

Important questions to create a powerful brand.

I invite you to visit ThinkLikeAJournalist.com to download a FREE worksheet to help you start developing your brand strategy. It’s an important tool that will help you Think Like A Journalist and layout your most compelling stories to create shareable content that defines your brand and resonates with consumers.


Phoebe Chongchua
Phoebe Chongchua

I'm a Digital Creator, Brand Journalist, and Marketing Strategist. Let's boost your online presence, increase website traffic, and grow a thriving online community with a smart strategy. I can streamline your business by managing your projects, setting up systems and processes, and helping hire the best people. Check out my podcast, "The Brand Journalism Advantage," on iTunes and at ThinkLikeAJournalist.com.

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